
Pen Name : Profjames54

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Member Since : 06-10-2019



Orders In Progress


Orders Completed

Request Writer

About Profjames54

In all of my freelance work, I have viewed each new order as both a challenge and an opportunity to widen my own spectrum of subject matters, all the while aiding customers in their own research or with their own business, academic, or personal goals. I have broadened my subject-matter-comfort-zone significantly since first beginning in this line of work and have never had to refund a project. I view each project and revision with the same scrutiny and focus on excellence as I would with any project I would put my own name on, and I believe that this standard is what has led to my success in the field and allowed me to foster continued working relationships with repeat-clients.

Completed Orders In:
Art Criminology
page 1 of 1 (2 Orders)