
Challenges In Access Right Assignment For Secure Home Networks Review Essay

Challenges In Access Right Assignment For Secure Home Networks Review Essay

The objective of the authors was to outline the combined security challenges especially for access control to highlight simple and secure ways to allocate access control policies to home devices and visitors. According to Kim et al (2010), the rapid increase in technology has brought about a change in lifestyles and greatly affected social interactions in the digital age. This has therefore brought up the idea to own a smart home. The authors addressed the security challenges that needed solutions in respect to access of a person’s home network according to the summary.(Kim et al, 2010).

The authors conducted an interview with a group of people and found out the following. Kim et al (2010) gave the major problem that affected families as taking charge of everyone that gets into their house as well as the members of the family. The interview revealed that families faced problems from malicious visitors who had access to entrance in their homes and to appliances like cameras. The same way administrators like medical personnel compromised their privacy by giving access to their health or financial data.

The authors outlined the security issues and clearly defined ways to cope with the challenges in access management to homes. The policies formulated gave a description of people who can access homes or administrations. According to Kim et al (2010) they categorized access controls in groups. Groups were clearly defined for instance; these policies gave minimal control to people or visitors who were not close friends. Otherwise, they gave full control over appliances like TV (Kim et al, 2010).The authors formulated policies that could assure the homes of their security either by keeping records of events in access of their homes or operation of devices with permission or in presence of the owners.

The task of giving security was a complex and a challenging task. According to the authors, the diverse groups of visitors and lack of trust was the major concern for security. The research was successful and the formulated policies gave them assurance for their current and future home networks.


Kim, T. H.J., Bauer, L., Newsome, J., Perrig, A., & Walker, J. (2010). Challenges in Access Right Assignment for Secure Home Networks. Proceedings of the 5th USENIX conference on Hot topics in security (pp. 1-6). Washinton, DC : CyLab at Carnegie Mellon.