
Tips On How To Write Resume Objectives

Writing An Objective Statement For Your Resume

The purpose of an objective statement is to let the employer know the position or type of job you are applying for and qualifications for that position. An objective statement sets the direction of your resume. Therefore, the rest of the resume will need to include information, which supports the objective.

Characteristics of an objective:

  • Focused
  • Specific
  • Personal
  • Committed
  • Action-oriented

What To Include

You need to decide what to include in the objective. Consider the following options:

  • Describe the type of job or position you seek.
  • Identify the career field or industry in which you want to work.
  • Identify the department or functional are within an organization.
  • Consider any value you have to offer the employer such as skills and qualifications.

Make sure to use your objective statement with discretion.

Sample case:

You wish to apply for a networking job with a large electronics firm, where you will work with network security, and provide some training.

Poor example:

Objective: Position in networking where my electrical engineering background can be used for a rewarding experience.

Note the verb use is poor and non-specific; the statement provides no indication of knowledge about the position or the company; wording seems to rely on typical workplace desires.

Improved example:

Objective: Position with computer hardware Development Company creating, refining, and training about network security, where a strong background in networks, effective communication skills, and a complete knowledge of operating systems can be used to improve operations.

This statement is verb-driven and specific, and relies on applicant’s experience, as well as job duties of position applied for. In this instance, the writer has used the passive voice ("can be used”) because the actions supplant the actor in such a statement. In addition, the statement ends with a purpose and unspoken idea that you are a valuable team player.

Make your objective statement formulaic:

  • State the name or type of company.
  • Provide a brief job description.
  • Include three qualifications you have that will make you an ideal candidate for an interview.