
Sample Essay on Future Plans and Goals





Sample Essay on Future Plans and Goals

Everybody has goals in their life that they want to achieve and work hard for but most people cannot decide what they want in life because they are not educated enough about the topic. Scott Dinsmore described the following things in his famous video about what you need to do if you want to achieve your goals and find the work you love he emphasized the fact that if you're not satisfied with your work then you need to find out what you truly want in life and he lays down the following steps analyze your strengths find out what you truly enjoy doing whether it is making people laugh inspiring people figure out what naturally fits with you. Then he says discover what success means to you to some people it is making huge and huge amounts of money he gave an example of himself how his friend used to tell him that he should continue doing the work that he was not enjoying to just build his resume and he realized but for what am I building my resume for to make more money get on a higher post in the organization that was not his end goal. Similarly, different people have different values and different viewpoints about success either you want to start a big family get very rich or be very healthy or be very fit you need to figure that out.

Then he describes and encourages people to do the impossible because the more you would accomplish, the more you would believe in yourself that you can accomplish. He encourages people to exceed their expectations he continuously emphasizes the fact that there is always something that seems impossible until someone makes it possible so keep pushing keep accomplishing more things so you get into the mentality of achieving great things and making the impossible possible. Furthermore, he depicts and urges individuals to do the inconceivable in light of the fact that the more you would achieve the more you would believe in yourself that you can achieve. He urges individuals to surpass their assumptions he continuously underscores the way that there is continually something that appears to be unimaginable until somebody makes it conceivable so continue pushing continue to achieve. Then he encourages people to surround themselves with inspiring friends and people who bring them up rather than pushing them down. Two things that resonated with me were surrounding oneself with inspiring and positive people and then recognizing your values what you want to do in life what does success means to you. I used to surround myself with people that have messed me up permanently and I do not think the things I have learned from them or the habits I have developed by being with them would just change overnight but I was fortunate enough to realize this fault and changed my company surrounded myself with people who cared about their values and wanted to be something special in their lives your company does decide your future and I was fortunate enough to have that and the second thing I realized what I wanted in life what success means to me what my end goals are it’s doing enough for my family and watching them being happy.

One of the best ways to identify your goals in your life is to ask the important questions to yourself What makes you happiest in your life? What excites you? This is not an easy question to answer because most people do not figure out the answer to this question throughout their lives but to me being around my family providing things for them and making them proud gives me mental peace and relief. Whenever I do something for them and I see the smile on their face I get very excited and it inspires me to accomplish even more in order to provide more for them. Another thing that excites me is learning new things about anything I get very excited when I learn about how things are made up the way they are what is the science behind them knowledge excites me. What do people thank you for? People thank me for being such an easy and relatable person to be with. As I am very devoted to learning new things and knowledge, I also like to share my learning with other people. So, I share my knowledge with them try to get them excited, and make them understand what I am trying to convey. People also pay their gratitude towards my passion for helping other people.

Who do you look up to? Who are your mentors? Who inspires you? Why? I look up to one of the brightest minds of our generation who explained the complex nature of the universe. Scientists like Albert Einstein are my inspiration and inspire me to learn more about science and space. Einstein particularly inspires me because he worked whole his life trying to figure out the secrets of the cosmos and towards his death and at the time of his death, he was still doing just that he died doing what he loved and that inspires me and encourages me to achieve and accomplish keep trying and never stop doing what I love. One of my favorite quotes is from him "Everybody is intelligence but If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it would spend its whole life thinking it’s stupid” (Albert Einstein).

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?  If I knew I could not fail I would probably get tired of doing everything because unpredictable and not knowing what is going to work and what isn’t is really what makes everything a lot more exciting and the fear of losing most of the time inspires us to achieve great things but knowing you could never fail or lose makes less significance of the tasks that you are doing or would want to do. It would be exciting in the start because the idea of always being successful at everything you are doing is quite rejuvenating.

So the best way to identify one’s goals is to ask questions yourself about what you are good at what excites you and what does being successful means to you change your company surrounds yourself with people who cared about their values and wanted to be something special in their lives your company does decide your future and I was fortunate enough to have that and the second thing I realized what I really wanted in life what success means to me what my end goals are it’s doing enough for my family and watching them being happy.






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