
Memo Example: Memo Examples To Employees

Memo Example: Memo Examples To Employees

A memo, a short form for memorandum is a means of official business communication. It serves as a reminder or as a means to give instructions. Memos are commonly used in the business world because they are cost-effective, simple, brief, and can serve as evidence in case a dispute arises.

A memo is written to serve one of the following purposes:

  • Highlight an event or circumstance.
  • To recount an event.
  • A reminder.
  • To pass information or instructions.
  • To keep an official record. 


Memo Example: Memo Examples To Employees 

The following is a memo example:


To: Accounting Department

From: Head of Accounts, (include name)

CC: HR Department (include name)

Date: 20 September 2019


Subject: Compulsory Refresher Training for All Employees in the Accounting Department.

We would like for all our employees in the accounting department to undergo refresher training on the new accounting procedures. The decision has been made in order to improve our accounting procedure and make it less time consuming and cost-efficient. A training seminar will be held on 27th September 2019 from 9 am to 5 pm to familiarize the staff with the new accounting procedures. All employees of the department are required to attend.

Thank you.