
How To Write An Essay To Be A Class Vice President

Writing A Class Vice President Essay

Doing politics in school can be very exciting since when you are an elected officer, you can use your position to help make important decisions that will guide your class through the academic year. You know you are ready to handle this important responsibility, and you need to craft an essay that lets everyone else know about it. The difference between achieving your dreams of being class vice president is a well written essay.

  • Consider working in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You can work in your room if you have your own, the library, or a study hall where you will have no disturbance.
  • Gather enough materials that you will use in your essay. Make sure that you have all equipments that you will use including a computer and printer. Have whiteout stand by if you are writing the final draft of your essay by hand. Have a List of the reasons why you want to be class vice president. Write them down on a separate sheet of paper that you will refer to as you write. Once you have made the list, cross out any reasons that sound odd that relate only to you. Consider working with only reasons that are specific and helpful to others. Avoid giving reasons that are more self-centered.
  • List down the things that you plan to do for the class, and will be helpful to the class after becoming vice president on a separate sheet of paper. Co-ordinate your answers in-case you are running on a co- ticket with a different candidate. Try to make them as broad as possible, as you put more focus on topics that people care about and positive influence. For example you could say "If elected class vice president, I will bring in positive impact in the school cafeteria." Choose a task that you think you can reasonably accomplish comfortably, should be realistic.
  • Start writing your essay by introducing yourself in the first part. The second part explains why you think you stand to be the best candidate for the position of class vice president, and the final focus is on what you plan to do once you achieve that goal. The last part should reiterate these points in a brief summary in the last part of your essay, as you thank the listeners for their time and attention.