
How To Write An ADHD Essay

Four Tips On Writing An ADHD Essay

ADHD (attention deficit disorder) is a chronic condition that consists of attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. The condition may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work. There are still controversies about how to diagnose and treat it therefore, it is important to research papers first. Below are some points to consider before writing your ADHD essay:

Structure Your Essay

It is important to think about your essay structure and word count before starting your research. Create a list of paragraph headings to help you allocate your research time efficiently. There is no point finding other studies on the long-term effects of Ritalin if you already have eight examples are rapidly approaching your word limit and still have not addressed how the condition is diagnosed. The traditional approach of outlining the areas you hope to cover in the essay in your first paragraph still has its advantages. However, it can also be a good idea to start with a short quotation or very short "first hand” account of a specific incident to grab the reader’s attention.

Use Reliable Sources

You are writing on a topic that can be very provocative for most people. This means you have to be especially critical about the reliability of the sources you use, and make a conscious effort to use a variety of sources. Much bias is unintentional, but there is a lot of it about; drug companies, parents, educationalists, psychologists and other health professionals will all have their own biases, conscious or unconscious. Adopt respectful but skeptical attitude to all of them. Sometimes it is easy to spot bias. For instance, it is useful to be able to see who paid for a particular piece of research. Biased selection or interpretation of data may be due to financial interests but can also be influenced by emotional factors.

Reference Properly

Assume any book or journal you use, or any website you access, will instantly become non-findable the instant you put it back on the shelf. You can save yourself a lot of heartache by noting down the bibliographical details when you first decide you will use a source. It is infuriating to find that you cannot use pertinent material because you cannot cite the reference.

Critical Evaluation

This plethora of potentially biased sources may appear to be a problem. However, you can use that to your advantage. It gives you plenty of opportunities to show your critical evaluation of the source you have selected, which is often a key requirement for the award of a high grade. Obviously biased examples are also good for illustrating aspects of the controversies surrounding ADHD.