
How To Write A Speech Evaluation Essay

How Do I Review A Speech?

Effective speaking is an art. People give speeches for a number of reasons, from arguing a point to explaining a process. While anyone can stand up and present their information orally, there is a lot that goes into an effective speech. When composing a speech evaluation essay, you must look at the speech critically and consider not only the effectiveness of the speech itself, but also the clarity and grace of the speech presentation.

Important things to analyze in a speech

The Speech Objectives

  • What is the speaker’s goal? Is it to educate, to motivate, to persuade, or to entertain?
  • What is the primary message on delivery
  • Why is this person delivering this speech? Are they the right person?
  • Was there an achievement in the objective

The Audience and Context for the Speech

A speaker will need to use different techniques to connect with an audience.

  • Where and when was the speech delivery?
  • How large is the audience?
  • In addition to the live audience, is there an external target audience? (e.g. on the Internet or mass media)

Speech Content and Structure

The selection and organization of a speech should be set to achieve the primary speech objective. Focus is important — extraneous information can weaken an otherwise effective argument.

Before the Speech

  • Were there other speakers before this one? Were their messages similar, opposed, or unrelated?
  • Did the speaker’s introduction establish why the audience should listen to this speaker with this topic at this time?

The Speech Opening.

  • Did the speaker use a hook effectively to draw the audience into the speech? Alternatively, did the speaker open with a dry "It’s great to be here today. "
  • Did the speech open with a story? A joke, A startling statistic, A controversial statement, or A powerful visual
  • Was the opening memorable?

The Speech Body

  • Did all arguments, stories, anecdotes in the speech relate back to the primary objective?
  • Was there usage of examples or statistics to support the arguments?
  • Was the speech’s organisation logic? Was it easy to follow?
  • Did the speaker bridge smoothly from one part of the presentation to the next?

The Speech Conclusion

Like the opening, the words, body language, and visuals in the speech conclusion are all critical to speaking success.

  • Was the conclusion concise?
  • Was the conclusion memorable?
  • If appropriate, was there a call-to-action?

Delivery Skills and Techniques

Delivery skills are like a gigantic toolbox — the best speakers know precisely when to use every tool and for what purpose.

Enthusiasm and Connection to the Audience

  • Was the speaker enthusiastic? How can you tell?
  • Was there audience interaction? Was it effective?

Visual Aids

  • Was their design effective?
  • Did they complement speech arguments?
  • Did they add energy to the presentation or remove it?
  • Were they simple and easy to understand?
  • Were they easy to see? e.g. large enough

Physical – Gestures and Eye Contact

  • Did the speaker’s posture display confidence and poise?
  • Were gestures natural, timely, and complementary?
  • Were gestures easy to see?
  • Does the speaker have any distracting mannerisms?
  • Was eye contact effective in connecting the speaker to the whole audience?