
How To Write A Poetry Essay

A Guide On Writing A Poetry Essay

A poetry essay evaluates a poem. It analyzes the words, sounds, feelings, and topics that the poet uses in the poem. A poetry essay should include analysis of the topic, message, rhythm, and word choice. In addition, it should have both an introduction and a conclusion. Below is how to write a poetry essay:

  1. Introduce your poem with an introductory paragraph - Write the title of the poem and its author then give a brief summary of the poem’s contents.
  2. Write about the poetic language and imagery - Does the poet use precise and vivid vocabulary to create detailed images? What literary devices are used to enhance meanings? Answer these questions by explaining and analyzing specific examples from the poem. Tell how the poet creates those images.
  3. Write about sound and sense - Does the poet use rhythm and meter to create meaningful sounds in the poem? Which word sounds does the poet use to create pictures? Does the poet use vocabulary that appeals to the five senses? Answer these questions by explaining in your poetry essay how the poet’s choice of words creates meaningful sound.
  4. Write about emotion and feeling - Is the poet creating a feeling or mood? Does the poem evoke an emotional response? Answer these questions in your poetry essay by explaining what kind of response the poet is trying to evoke in his audience.
  5. Write a conclusion to your poetry essay - Explain what the author’s intentions were and whether or not he or she achieved that goal. Support your opinion with details from the poem.