
How To Write A Documented Essay

Basic Steps In Writing A Documented Paper

The writing process of a documented essay is more likely the same no matter the project and begins with having an assignment or idea. Next, you write an outline and then conduct research. Lastly, the document is written and edited. You should be keen of the instructor's requirements. You should first know the purpose of the essay to determine its structure and the information it should contain. An instructional essay, for instance, contains detailed instructions for the completion of a particular task. The following are tips recommended by iwriteessays.com on the process of writing a documented essay.

Read the essay instructions provided by the course instructor.

  • There is a possibility that the instructor will assign a certain style manual for the essay or provide his or her own system of documentation.
  • The project description or rubric will include the specified documentation or citation format for the assigned essay

Write an outline of the essay according to its purpose or argument.

  • The first example is that an opinion essay would begin with an overview of the issue. Then introduce other viewpoints.
  • Secondly, the essay would indicate each claim and justify each claim with evidence. Use subheadings with bullets for a detailed outline.

Conduct research

  • Research the available style manuals assigned by your instructor. Facilitate the outline. Research the subject, broadly at first, then progressively narrow topics according to the information needed for the essay.
  • The outline for an instructional essay on methods of cooking eggs might start out with research on "cooking eggs," then narrow to "hard-boiled eggs" and "egg-cooking temperature."

Take notes while reading the research material for use later when you write the essay.

  • This aspect facilitates non- plagiarism procedures since it minimizes the chances of leaving citations out of the essay.

Avoid plagiarism

  • The correct definition for Plagiarism is taking someone's work and passing it off as your original material. The only exception of not including citation is if that information is within the public domain.

Write the rough draft according to the outline.

  • Cite information or Document according to format in this part of the process.

Compile and format all works cited in the paper.

  • Use the correct format for the reference page according to style guidelines from the instructor specifications or style manual.

Edit the rough draft and reorganize material as necessary.

  • In some cases, instructors allow the inclusion of sources not directly cited in the essay under the title of "Related Works" or some other heading of the same meaning.
  • Check with the instructor before deciding to include sources not cited directly in the text.