
How To Reference A Film In An Essay

Referencing A Film In An Essay

Citing movies in essays is done differently with other citation. However, citing movies depends on the formatting that is used in your school. Generally there are four most common writing formats commonly used in schools. They are MLA, AP, Chicago and APA styles. However the style to be used differs with many teachers and professors. It is important to find out the style formatting required for your essay before choosing a referencing system to use for films for this may define the points you get for following instruction. Make inquiries from your teacher for more clarification that you may need.

Instructions that will help to reference a film in an essay:

Method 1

  • Video in-text is referenced differently with the manner that printed sources is referenced Cite the video using the directors name and title since in this case you do not have page numbers. The name of director is written in full and that of the film italicize.
  • Citation is done in a different page headed as Works Cited page using the following format; Title of film the last name of the director followed by his first initial and the Distributor, and finally the year of publication.
  • In between the title and distributor of the film reference any additional information you may have gathered and find it important. Any other relevant members of the film crew need to be cited as well in abbreviations.

Method 2

  • As you would reference other information, cite the video in-text using movie name and the year of publication. Use the name of the movie and the year of publication for all video sources. Always remember to cite the source, before you introduce the source in-text with the name of the video and director.
  • In the references page use Last name of the director using his first name initials followed by the when the film was released. One can as well include where the studio is located and gives its name.
  • The name of the movie is italicized in the essay and for every fact given, the period should be stated. In between the studio location and name of the studio there should be a colon, and film format in brackets.

Method 3

  • Within the context of your essay, Reference the film in-text. The best way is by placing the director of the movie in parentheses; give the year of release of the movie.
  • Using the tile of the movie make citation in the reference section; director, year of released the location where the movie taken, the produce, date of release.
  • Follow this format when referencing film name first and last name of the director. Year of movie release, location, distributor of the film and year of release.