
Safety Apps For College Students

Best Campus Safety Apps

It is inevitable for college students to have to walk by themselves occasionally, especially at night. It can be a little scary, so if you ever find yourself walking alone in the dark, there are apps for your phone that you can get for free to help you get in touch with police or your contacts. In addition, they are free. Here are some safety apps every college student should invest in.

 1. bSafe:

This app will alert your friends or family that you have arrived safely to your location, send information of your whereabouts, like GPS, and even setup fake phone calls to escape uncomfortable situations. If you are in real danger and need professional assistance, the app triggers an alarm and your phone immediately starts broadcasting video captured; and continually records your information.

 2. Bugle:

Runners, hikers, or people who do not really carry their phone on them when they go out usually use this app. The person will set a timer on how long they will be out, and if they do not check in by that time, people in their emergency contacts will be notified by email and text message. 

 3. On watch

There are six services this app completes: calling police and friends, calling the police only, calling campus police, the "Watch my Back" setting (has a timed alert, but has to be disabled once home), contacting friends, and the "I'm here" setting. These features will have you prepared for any situation.

 4. Circle of 6

A free safety app that prevents violence before it happens - Available for iPhone & Android. This student app allows users to create a group (circle) of six contacts of their choice. If you lose track of your friends, are traveling alone, or want to alert someone that you are in a dangerous situation, this app will send a message with a map and GPS location of where you are to your circle and the local emergency units.

 5. Guardly

The fastest way to connect to authorities, family, & friends, when you need help. The app is available for iPhone, Android, Blackberry & Windows Phone.
This safety app provides real-time emergency incident monitoring and communication. It acts as an instant two-way communication with safety groups, local authorities and nearby security. One special feature that this student app offers is that it allows you to set up specific types of emergency situations such as allergy emergencies or traveling alone situations as well as accompanying contacts to be notified for each type of incident.

 6. Panic Guard

Safety fast - Available for iPhone & Android

Similar to the bSafe app, this student app also tracks your location, alerts police, and your previously selected contacts, and secretly records your attacker. This app differs in that it can be activated through tapping and shaking the phone. It also continues to track your location so that if you leave the original scene, emergency authorities will know your current location.

7. My Force

Never walk alone - Available for iPhone, Android & Blackberry.
This safety app acts as a personal safety service that connects you to a live security team that instantly starts communicating with you, recording and tracking your activity, and contacting local emergency services.

College students, who walk home alone at night, should get a safety app. Had Better be safe than sorry, so download a safety app today!