
How To Recover From Bad Grades In College

Recovering From Those Bad Grades In College

One bad semester does not make for a bad college experience even though it might feel that way at that moment. Below are things that can help you recover from bad grades:

1. Identify what subjects you struggled with

Review your transcript and figure out what subjects you struggled with. Figure out what the problem is. Did you let one hard class depress you, or did you just feel overwhelmed?

2. Can you retake a course?

Some might think that retaking a course is a waste time especially if you technically passed. However, it is an option if you need to gain the credit or just improve your GPA.

3. Speak to your guidance counselor

You should do this at least once per year especially if you are struggling academically. Your guidance can advise you on what options you have for retaking a course and what grades you need to earn a certain GPA.

4. Find a study partner

Everyone needs at least one friend in each course. Find someone whom you get along with and swap information the first day of class. The first week of the semester is when people are more open to socializing in class.

5. Do not wait for the last minute to start preparing for exams

Waiting for the last minute will just leave you feeling overwhelmed and overworked. 99% of students will not complete the readings as class progresses. However, one should try to keep all their assignments and notes in one place so that you do not start scrambling two days before the exam.

6. Figure out what distracts you

Figure out what distracts you, whether it is your phone, friends or extracurricular and set some time aside in your schedule. You can use websites that block you from social media and put your phone on airplane mode.

Grades are not everything but when your only job is school, you have to make the most out of it.