
How to Finish a Research Paper In Two Hours

How to Finish a Research Paper Quickly

Writing a research paper and especially a long research paper needs some skills. Many people get anxious; they do not know which topic to pick and more so the thesis statement. Today I will help you with easy manageable steps that will help you in finishing your research paper.

To finish a research paper quickly and fast, the first step you need to undertake is brainstorming. This simply means holding a group discussion. It helps you come up with topics that meet the criteria of your research paper. In addition to that, it will help come up with a thesis statement.

Secondly, you can use the Google or EBSCOhost online research database among the researches in the internet. This will help you come up with a specific topic that has enough information. You will be able to collect enough and interesting information on the body of your research paper. On top of that, you will connect with the existing body of information from the thesis statement.

The next step is going through all your sources and taking notes. You can do it on paper or by typing, after that proceed, and create an outline. This helps you in creating a sample and ensures you change the wording from all the information you collected. Afterwards, proceed and start writing the paper. This is the easiest step because it simply means copying and pasting from your outline. It helps you come up with a word count knowing whether to add or reduce information.

By this time, your paper should be 70-75% complete. Once you are to add information, this is the perfect time to go back to web. Look for a new source on the internet to the topic of your research. It enhances on adding important information to the already existing information.

The last step to undergo is formatting your work and by now, your work should be 95% done. This helps meet the minimum amount of words required. Go through your research paper and make sure your ideas flow together in a meaningful and interesting way to keep the reader reading. By now, your paper is 100% done.

In one time or another, you need to write your research paper in five hours or even less. Perhaps even two hours. For a well written, a well prepared and a well examined research paper it needs much concentration. In the part below, I will provide you with the skills you need to apply to help you manage your limited time.

In the first place, determine how much time you have and divide it into several important parts. Use 5% determining your thesis statement, 5% writing it down, 15% writing an outline of arguments, 25% research, 40% actual writing, and 10% polishing.

However, you may adjust the time as needed according to the following steps. You may use a lot more time in research and writing; decide your thesis statement into something you much believe in, write down your thesis statement making it clear, as you move on to write your outline begin with the introduction helping the reader know why you came up with such an introduction. Making it interesting and help the reader continue reading your paper.

Proceed and write the outline. Write down your ideas supporting the thesis statement and write as fast as the thoughts occur to you. This will help you have specific findings once you are to carry out the research. Study those materials that are published on your topic. Scan the table of content and go to a particular chapter picking out relevant information.

Once you have carried the research, it is an appropriate time to write down your research in paragraph form. In help of your outline, write freely as your ideas flow. Explain each argument in turn.

End with a conclusion supporting your thesis statement in a convincing way as you edit your work. Edit grammar and punctuation eliminating excess words as you tighten your thesis statement, introduction, and conclusion.

In the part below, I will discuss on the conclusion of a research paper.

It is the last main division of your research that sums up all your opinion. It reminds the readers of your thesis statement and draws up a conclusion to your topic. For a better conclusion of research paper, provide a more detailed version of your thesis statement. Contrary, never restart a main point nor begin with "In conclusion,” "In summary,” or anything like that.

In the part below, I will highlight on the importance of an outline and the steps needed to create an outline.

A good outline is important because:

  1. It will show you the next step.
  2. A clear and detailed outline helps you stay organized and focused.
  3. It is a key to staying motivated while writing.
  4. An outline helps you organize multiple ideas about a topic.

 Steps in making an outline

  1. Identify the research problem, which helps the rest of the outline flow.
  2. Identify the main categories by knowing which points to analyze. These are the ones to be developed by the rest of the paper.
  3. Create the first category, which is the point to cover, and could be definitions.
  4. Create sub categories that provide support for the main points.