
Check Out Some Of The Best Podcasts For Determined College Students



Some Of The Best Podcasts For Striving Students

Podcasts let people to sit in on conversations they would otherwise never have the chance to be a part of. These conversations include some of the world’s most successful and inspiring people about how they got to where they are today. In addition, they are free.

Below are some of the best podcasts:

 1. Millennial Podcast With Megan Tan

Millennial is a podcast that talks about what people never teach you – how to maneuver your twenties. This serialized podcast documents the post-graduation life of Meghan Tan. She shares her struggles, which every college student relates to.

 2. CTRL ALT Delete Podcast With Emma Gannon

Emma has an ability to nurture extremely interesting conversations with her interviewees. She also keeps her interviews focused on the intellectual pursuits of her interviewees. This podcast is suitable for curious, creative, ambitious, and intellectual millennials.

 3. Your Kick-Ass Life Podcast With Andrea Owen

Andrea Owen is a life coach that gives advice to type-A perfectionists sort out their life and conquer their self-doubt. If you strive for flawlessness and set excessively high performance standards then you are a perfectionist and this podcast is for you.


Myleik’s is a super inspiring entrepreneur who uses her podcast to share her wisdom about all things business and life. Her podcast is just about her and a microphone. She opens about her own experiences and struggles and sounds like a strong, fierce woman.

 5. Space to face podcast with Asia Croson and Paige Poppe

Asia and Paige run the podcast that talks about what it is really like to be a professional creative person. Asia is a professional photographer and Paige is an artist and the focus on things that can be applied to any creative pursuit.

 6. The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast with Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is the author of ‘The Four Hour Work Week’ and is one of the main people that one should look up to for productivity, business, and personal development. His interviews are always super-in depth and flows just like a normal conversation. This podcast focuses mainly on investing, start-ups, productivity, and online business. If you want to be successful in future you better prepare.

 7. Make It Happen Podcast for Bloggers and Creatives with Jen Carrington

Jen gives advice on creativity. Her one-on-ne coaching is booked out for months in advance. She does two different types of episodes – interviews with guests and mini solo episodes to share her own wisdom and experience.

 If you want to succeed in your twenties, make sure you surround yourself with the right people. This people should be able to inspire and motivate you, encourage and show you what is possible.