
How To Write A College Application Essay Introduction

Writing A College Application Essay Introduction

One is required to be well prepared when drafting the introduction of a college application essay. Many people find it as a challenge for lack of adequate preparation. Doing a research on your topic is the first step in drafting an essay the easy way. This will help know what you are drafting about, hence flowing in ideas. Discuss your main argument at the introduction component and what you will discuss about in your college  application essay. Make a clear and concise personal statement at the end of your introduction component. 

Guidelines when drafting the introduction of college application essay

  • Have a research question about your application essay - It serves as a central question that your application essay will be revolving about. This question helps one not to lose focus on the way and maintain purpose of the entire process. How you address and develop the specific research question will define the quality of your application essay.
  • Look at your topic and analyze what others could be discussing about - Depending on the analysis, state your disagreement and agreements and give your views on the same stating why you believe what you believe.  Starting your introduction, this way will help you transit properly into your personal statement. It becomes easy as you express your opinion on the topic at hand as your compare what experts’ opinion is over your research. 
  • In-order to enable the reader comprehends the significance of your research question; provide enough information about your topic.
  • Write a simple introduction with less information since your goal is to give readers an overview of what you will be talking about - Be brief at the introduction since much will be discussed at the rest of the paper.  Any argument that you make provide evidence as you avoid starting introduction with evidence to avoid confusing readers.
  • A good way to start an introduction is by giving examples - Examples will always display a better understanding of your application essay to yourself and to the reader.


However to make an college application essay complete you should follow the normal formatting of an application essay considering;

  • The introduction component where you introduce your subject matter of your application essay.
  • The body made up of like three paragraphs where much content is discussed
  • Finally the conclusion where major strengths of your thesis is discussed.
  • Bibliography where you cite all the sources you have used in your application essay.