
How To Format An MBA Admission Essay

Format Of MBA Admission Essay

The admission essay gives you the opportunity to present yourself to the admission committee and to describe your thoughts, goals and experiences in the process. When writing an MBA admission essay the following rules are followed.

  • The entire essay is written by you alone to express your idea and thought. Your offer of admission will be cancelled if the admission committee discovers that you did not write your essay.
  • Date of birth, page number and the essay numbers are labeled on top of each MBA admission essay.
  • All MBA admission essay must be typed and submitted using standard format.12-point font and double spaced
  • Word limit should apply all questions. For example, your essay must answer all questions in the limit of the number of word stated.

General idea

Your MBA essay should succinct by focusing on the question(s). By outlining your essay clearly in the introduction, supporting your argument and lastly concluding or summarizing your purpose your essay remains focused.

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You should use formal and simple language in writing your essay. These is you should use the MLA writing guidelines in order to clearly deliver and present your essay.

Page guidelines

 Your essay should have 1-inch margin all-rounds, which are on top, bottom and along the sides. The standard five-space indent should be in every paragraph. The font size and font type used should be standard. The new times roman 12 is appropriate and globally accepted in writing MBA admission essays. You should use double space in writing your essay. At the end of a sentence, you should use double space. This makes the essay to be exceptional and it is formal.

Style mechanics

You should use first person to write your essay since you are writing about yourself. There should be a review of the essay to check the use of active voice vs., passive voice

Use of grammar

You can use grammar help to understand the use of punctuation since the entire essay reflects who you are. The grammar used should be correct and punctuation usage should be proper.

In summary, when formatting an MBA admission essay it is focused to the question. It should adhere to MLA writing guidelines. Good presentation of the essay is necessary by using correct grammar, correct voice and right perspective. Sentences and spaces must t be correctly spaced. The margins of the pages must be 1-inch all rounded and the paragraphs be indented properly.