
How To Correct College Application Essays For Grammar Mistakes

Correcting My College Application Essay For Grammar Mistakes

The last step before submission of a college application essay is proofreading which is quite an important step. The most essential process in proofreading includes editing and revising your entire college application essay. Editing involves checking proper use of grammar, as this is quite essential from not only a technical standpoint and flow in ideas of the entire college application essay. Proper flow in college application essay affects the admission officers understanding of the topic and the points being conveyed. When checking grammar many aspects can be noted also like the content and sentence structure.

Guideline that will help you to correct college application essay for grammar

  • After making, any editing changes read that sentence again and get the new version. Minor changes can have a big impact on change of the verb tense. In order to this effectively, highlight each sentence on the computer screen or increase the font size to see mistakes easier.
  • Crosscheck properly topic-verb agreement and proper use of nouns for instance singular and plural nouns for this is where writers make mistakes unaware. This applies mostly to sentences that contain modifying phrases that distance the topic from the verb. When dealing with such sentence, you are required to isolate the simple topic. Then pair it with the verb to be sure they are correct.
  • Use many references ranging from grammar handbook or even in the internet, other reliable sources include Purdue Writing Lab that offers assistance for many types of academic compositions. This is most helpful especially when you are not sure about spelling of certain word or identifying the correct punctuation.
  • Look for a second person to read the college application essay and point out any mistakes that you did not identify previously. It is usually different when you have fresh pair of eyes looking at your college application essay as it can reveal errors that were undetectable by the writer.
  • One of the most dependable ways to check grammar is Use of word-processing program. They are useful aids for a writer; however, it is not advisable to depend on them for all editing needs. These programs may not recognize major mistakes and it confuses proper grammatical use of names of people and places.