
Autobiography Essay Outline: Sample Autobiography Outline for College

Autobiography Essay Outline: Sample Autobiography Outline of College


An autobiography is simply an account of a person's life given by himself or herself and published in a book. An autobiographical essay, on the other hand, is a short account of some aspect of the writer's life.

An autobiography gives a brief description of the writer's life, such as their experiences, hobbies, interests and some memorable events.

Your life story, or autobiography, should be written in the same basic framework that any essay should have. That is, an autobiography should have the 3 basic elements of an essay: introduction, body, and a conclusion. The introduction should introduce the readers to the writer. It should also have a well-written thesis statement, which sets out the theme of the autobiography. Think about what makes your family or your experience unique and build a narrative around that.

Next, the essay should have a few body paragraphs or chapters. To complete the autobiography, you'll need a strong conclusion, all the while crafting an interesting narrative with a theme.


Below is a simple autobiography essay outline for college:


Paragraph 1 Introduction:

Just like when writing a biography of a famous person, your autobiography should contain things like where you were born, your personality, your likes and dislikes, and special events that shaped your life.

Some of the topics you might want to cover in your first paragraph include:

·         Birth date, place and interesting story

·         Parents

·         Brothers, sisters

·         Why you were given your name

·         Where you are from and ethnicity

·         What is interesting about the region where you were born?

·         How does your family history relate to the history of that region?

·         Did your family come to that region for a reason?

It might be interesting to tempting to start your autobiography with something like "I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, but the best way to start your essay is how you were born, where you and how the special circumstances in your family’s life lead to your birth and how that shaped your life and experiences.


Paragraph 2 Beginning Years:

Consider your early years. Are there any interesting aspects of your life? Whether you grew up in the city or the suburbs, there must be something interesting that happened in your life.

Some things to consider when writing the story of your early life include:

·         Where you grew up

·         First days of school

·         First memories

·         First friends

·         Vacations

·         A funny memory or story

·         Early holidays


Paragraph 3 elementary school years:

Write about your experiences in elementary school. Some of the things that you can write about include:

·         Where you went to school

·         Birthday or vacation

·         Funny story

·         Friends

·         Sports or interests

·         Freedoms

·         Activities

·         Where you went to high school and the changes you experienced

·         First day and new friends

·         Funny story

·         Cell phones

·         Sports or interests

·         License

·         Activities

Paragraph 4 your culture:

Your culture is your way of life. This includes traditions and customs that come from your family’s values, beliefs, and way of life. Culture includes the holidays you observe, cultural practices, foods, the clothes you wear, games that you play, the languages you speak, and rituals that you and your family observe.

Write about the special moments that occurred during the events. Some of the things that you can write about include:

  • Any special gifts you received
  • The foods you associate with certain times of the year
  • Outfits that you wear during the special evens.

Paragraph 5 future plans:

Topics to consider

·         College

·         Work

·         Family

·         Travel

Paragraph 6 conclusion:

Tie up all your experiences in a summary that restates and explains the overriding theme of your life.